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Sunday, February 05, 2006

back from hibernation

Even though hari (i forgot to say about this NERDY roommate) always said that i shouldn't think of coming up with a text specifically for blogs.... rather just write what my experiences were over that day...i realized it only i come back from hibernation....So let me start writing my experiences ...and of course the blog is my diary...what a fool i am ...i didn't realize that.....So what were my experiences today. To start with... today was a fine day. It started with me making a decision that it is high time and i need to apply for summer internships. I could ultimately start doing the applying process after delaying it for a more than a month. I should say it was a success i could write my cover letter for the first time. of course i copied most of the content from some online resource...

One other thing i realized today is i some how don't put much concentration while reading for the first time any form text. I realized that today again....last week i was reading python documentation about readline( ) and raw_input( )...the gist was that readline( ) inserts new line character when it scans for input but raw_input( ) doesn't. even though i read this....i did mistake while coding......i was doing some think like this in my python code

operation = sys.stdin.readline( )
if operation is "1":

of course this woudn't work as readline( ) inserts '\n' character and so the if statement should be

if operation is "1\n"

now that i realize this my code for interfacing with aardvark...a hardware module which generates i2c signals is complete. All this could happen only because of hari. Thanks to him...i would have killed many precious hours on this stupid thing.

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